
In the world of accounting, reconciliation is not just a term; it is an essential tool for ensuring accuracy, maintaining financial health, and fostering trust. By systematically reconciling accounts, businesses can ensure they are working with the most accurate, up-to-date financial information. This process helps detect any anomalies or discrepancies early, allowing for timely rectification. Balance sheet reconciliation involves comparing the balances of internal accounts against corresponding external documents. It’s a bit like our earlier example with the bank statement, but this process is broader. Balance sheet account reconciliation can cover everything from cash and investments to liabilities and shareholders’ equity (any accounts found on the balance sheet).

  1. Companies can perform bank reconciliations as often as needed to ensure consistency between these documents.
  2. If there are receipts recorded in the internal register and missing in the bank statement, add the transactions to the bank statement.
  3. The company lodges a complaint with the landlord and is reimbursed the overcharged amount.
  4. Businesses often use credit cards for expenses, and these transactions are recorded in the internal ledgers.
  5. For the current year, the company estimates that annual revenue will be $100 million, based on its historical account activity.

The more you reconcile any kind of account, the more likely it is that you will pick up discrepancies. It also enables you to monitor cash flow and control the potential for theft. Parent companies use this to bring together all the accounts and ledgers from the subsidiaries they may have. The process looks for mismatches both within and between any of the subsidiaries. Want to learn more about how to easily manage trust reconciliation with Clio?

Bank reconciliation statements confirm that payments have been processed and cash collections have been deposited into a bank account. Reconciling your bank statements simply means comparing your internal financial records against the records provided to you by your bank. This process is important because it ensures that you can identify any unusual transactions caused by fraud or accounting errors. As a business, the practice can also help you manage your cash flow and spot any inefficiencies. To ensure accuracy and balance, the process of account reconciliation involves comparing the balances of general ledger accounts for balance sheet accounts to supporting sets of records and bank statements.

Understanding the Bank Reconciliation Statement

Account reconciliation is considered part of the full accounting cycle process. Similarly, when a business receives an invoice, it credits the amount of the invoice to accounts payable (on the balance sheet) and debits an expense (on the income statement) for the same amount. When the company pays the bill, it debits accounts payable and credits the cash account.

However, you typically only have a limited period, such as 30 days from the statement date, to catch and request correction of errors. By taking advantage of technology and automation in this way, you can save time and avoid duplicate data entry errors. To implement effective reconciliation processes, you need to create and document the exact procedures that staff and lawyers should follow. Mary Girsch-Bock is the expert on accounting software and payroll software for The Ascent. Anytime something appears out of the ordinary, you’ll want to review the originating documents such as invoices entered to determine if they were posted properly and whether any adjustments need to be made.

What Is Reconciliation in Accounting?

Perhaps the charges are small, and the person overlooks them thinking that they are lunch expenses, for example. Account reconciliation is an internal control that certifies the accuracy and integrity of an organization’s financial processes. During the reconciliation process, corrections may be made to the general ledger with adjusting journal entries. Or correct the sub-ledger if an error like the duplicate recording of a transaction is a reconciling item. Prepaid assets are prepaid expenses that are capitalized as an asset when paid in cash.

If the numbers at the end don’t match, accountants dig into the reasons for the differences. They then fix any mistakes or missing transactions by making the necessary adjustments in the records. This helps ensure that the company’s financial information is accurate and error-free.

The bank reconciliation ensures your bank account ending balance matches the balance reflected in your general ledger. When you reconcile accounts, you compare two or more sources of a company’s accounting to check for errors and bring them into agreement. While the entries in the general ledger are based on the facts of the moment, they may not always be accurate.

How Does Reconciliation in Accounting Work?

The process of reconciliation confirms that the amount leaving the account is spent properly and that the two are balanced at the end of the accounting period. Balancing financial records is a fundamental principle in any company or business. When done frequently, reconciliation statements help companies identify cash flow errors, present accurate information to investors, and plan and pay taxes correctly. They can also be used to identify fraud before serious damage occurs and can prevent errors from compounding. Bank reconciliation statements are tools companies and accountants use to detect errors, omissions, and fraud in a financial account. Bank reconciliation is a simple and invaluable process to help manage cash flows.


In this section, we look at some examples of accounts reconciliation to understand the scope of work involved in accounts reconciliation and the tools that can help ease the process. After scrutinizing the account, the accountant detects an accounting error that omitted a zero when recording entries. Rectifying the error brings the current revenue to $90 million, which is relatively close to the projection. In a general sense, it demonstrates that balancing the books gets taken seriously. That can be vital should a company need to borrow, attract investors, or even put itself up for sale. The type of industry tends to determine the specifics related to this reconciliation.

Versapay integrates with your ERP to automatically apply payments made within the platform to their respective invoices. With our advanced cash application tools, we use optical character preparing a trial balance recognition (OCR) and AI to automate matching for payments outside the platform too. The prior month’s journal entry accruals need to be reversed to prevent a discrepancy.

Spotting unauthorized transactions

This is a statistical approach that will help you find out if discrepancies between accounts are because of human error or potential theft. Even if you are using software that automatically downloads your monthly bank transactions, it’s still important to reconcile your accounts. Here is a simple process you can follow to make sure your accounts are reconciled every month. In the event that something doesn’t match, you should follow a couple of different steps.

The reconciliation statement allows the accountant to catch these errors each month. The company can now take steps to rectify the mistakes and balance its statements. For example, say ABC Holding Co. recorded an ending balance of $500,000 on its records. After careful investigation, ABC Holding found that a vendor’s check for $20,000 hadn’t been presented to the bank. It also missed two $25 fees for service charges and non-sufficient funds (NSF) checks during the month. To successfully complete your bank reconciliation, you’ll need your bank statements for the current and previous months as well as your company ledger.

For example, if you run a small retail store, you may keep a point-of-sale ledger, or similar software, that records daily transactions, inventory, and in-store balances. You’ll also have an external bank account that tracks deposits, purchases, and long-term balances. When you compare the two, you can look for any discrepancies in cash flow for a certain time frame. Here, a company will compare its outstanding customer balances to the accounts receivable captured in the general ledger to unveil any irregularities in customer-level accounting.

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